Sunday, April 27, 2014

Final Summary/Reaction

As the final results of my survey came in, I was able to draw a few conclusions from my data collected. First and foremost, my hypothesis that there is classism in our immediate society was proven correct. About 57% of the survey responders have felt discriminated against and/or judged for their social class. 53% of the people had felt guilty for being more well off than others, 31% have felt inferior due to their low social class, with only 17% of the survey participants feeling neither of these feelings. I noticed that most of the people who said they did not feel like they had an important role in their society were part of the middle to lower annual income range. I had a feeling this would happen, as this is typical to a classist society. I was actually very surprised to see that about 69% of the participants said that they socialize with members of different class members frequently. Being in a not very economically diverse part of the state, it makes me wonder how accurate this number really is and who is it that these people are socializing with that are in a different social class.

Overall, I find classism to be something that is plaguing our society and needs to be stopped. It is widening the divide between social classes, and it isn't fair to discriminate someone based on their class in society. It seems like its going to be really hard to stop though, because it isn't something like racism that everyone talks about. It is more discreet and less well known. It is almost inherent in our human nature and will be very hard to stop. No law will be able to fix it. The way people feel inferior and superior to other people based on social class is something that can only be changed by the people themselves.

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