Sunday, April 6, 2014

10 Research Plan

For my social class experiment and research, I am going to use a survey that i create using google docs. I would like to ask questions regarding what social class people are in and then ask them questions pertaining to classism. Then, I want to see how the answers correlate to each other.  I'd like to see if classism is active in our immediate society in northern jersey/new york and if it is, how it affects people. I am going to put my survey on facebook. Ideally, I would like to get a wide range of people: people of different ages, genders, and social class. I think that although I am intending to get a wide variety of participants, my results are going to be biased and be mainly from the upper middle class social class, just because of the area I live in. I think that there will definitely be aspects of classism in our society. I think that many people will say that it has both negative and positive affects in their lives. Negative because they are so used to living wealthy lifestyles that they don't know anything else, but positive because usually things in life tend to go their way because they are in a higher social class and their needs and wants are sometimes given preference over a lower class citizen in a classist society.

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