Saturday, March 15, 2014

8 Conclusion Post

Over the course of this blog, I have looked at many aspects of Social Class. There are obviously many different factors that goes into one's social class, and social class has many effects on someones life and how they develop and find their spot in society. Although here in America, there is no official class system, it is apparent that we have somewhat created our own that everyone has a spot in. In other countries, it is more formal and official. I don't think that the social class system here in America is an inherently bad thing, but it definitely has its flaws. I think that the higher classes tend to think themselves as superior while the lower classes tend to be looked down upon and feel inferior. Also, the upper classes are thought of as more educated, when really there are plenty of lower class citizens that are educated as well. Unfortunately, there are less opportunities for success for the lower class. They have less access to resources to help them in life. This can make it extremely difficult to get out of the spiral of poverty. In reality, social class is an important tool that people use in all aspects of their lives. From choosing where they want to work, learn, and who they want to socialize with, social class is a big factor. People tend to follow what the rest of their class is doing and what the class "norms" are. This I think can cause stereotypes and generalizations to form, because the class tends to be grouped together and referred to as one. In a way though, social classes can be good for people. THey allow people to share a bond of financial status, wealth, image and other factors. Those factors are generally equal in the same social class so people can relate well with each other. There are pros and cons to social classes, but I think the system is definitely here to stay. No matter what, people of the same social and financial status will group together and form an informal kind of class system.

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