Sunday, February 2, 2014

Social Class Post 3-Video

In this BBC video, it talks about the fact that in Britain, people are placed into one of 7 social classes. The factors of social divisions have become more complex. Some factors now include who you are friends with, whether of not you are connected with social media, and what your social life is like. There was a few new classes added to the typical elite, middle, and lower classes. A class known as "emergent service workers" is now a class that many young people fall in. These people have little money, but have busy social lives and are well connected with social media sites.

I found this video very interesting. First of all, it shows that like many things in society, social class evolves with the times. I think it speaks to the fact that in today's modern world we place a greater importance on our social lives and friends than people used to in the past. It definitely says something about the fact that we consider the fact that having a lot of friends can increase our importance in the world. In the past, the main focus was how much money you had, what car you drove, where you live, ect. Now, our attention has shifted to other aspects of life. I think it gives young adults more of a chance to establish themselves in society, without being written off completely, just because they don't have a ton of money. I think its looked at as more valuable to be  more connected with the latest technology and modern world advancements, than to be very wealthy and not know the first thing about the newest technology.

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